ICM Staff Forms

The candidates who have been nominated by their home university, are supposed to prepare the forms below and delievered to YTU EU Office by following the steps explained at "Staff Mobility Guide".



Incoming Staff Guide

Information/Welcome Pack





Try to complete the forms minimum 20 days before your mobility so that the grant contract can be prepared and the grant can be transferred on time.


Forms (click on it to download)



Application Form 

It is the application form that is supposed to be filled out by the nominated staff so that official registration is done.



Mobility Agreement for Teaching


*Only for teaching mobility

It is the agreement for the teaching plan agreed on both universities. The program has to be prepared day by day.

Please get in touch with the responsible person stated on the inter-institutional agreement to discuss the teaching plan. When you agree, download it at www.eu.yildiz.edu.tr , fill it out electronically and make it signed&stamped by both universities.

Mobility Agreement for Training

*Only for training mobility

It is the agreement for the training plan agreed on both universities. The program has to be prepared day by day.

Please get in touch with the responsible person/IRO officer stated on the inter-institutional agreement to discuss the training plan. When you agree, download it at www.eu.yildiz.edu.tr , fill it out electronically and make it signed&stamped by both universities.

Letter of Acceptance 

It is the letter (signed&stamped by host university)   proving that you are accepted for the mobility by the host university.

Please get in touch with the responsible person/IRO officer stated on the inter-institutional agreement to ask for a Letter of Acceptance by sending your teaching/training agreement as well.

Bank Account (Euro)

It is the bank account to which the grant will be transferred.

It has to be a Euro account opened at a branch of T.C. Ziraat Bank in Istanbul. You will be assisted when you arrive at YTU, on demand.

Grant Contract

(3 copies)

It is the contract for the grant that you will receive for the mobility.  

Do not download it and fill it out. It will be sent to you by EU Office.

When you complete all the forms mentioned above you will be sent the contract by e-mail. Please check the information and make three copies, sign them and deliver them to the EU Office. Without a grant contract, you will not be transferred the grant.


Upon completion of the “forms before the mobility” the participant will be paid the %80 of the grant calculated for the total duration and the travel support calculated by distance calculator (http://www.ua.gov.tr/distance).





Try to complete the forms maximum 20 days after your mobility so that the rest of the grant can be transferred on time and the files can be closed.  





Certificate of Attendance It is the letter (signed&stamped by host university) proving that you attended to the mobility. You can use either the format of host university or home university.

Travel documents

It is the copy of the passport page stamped at the gates by Turkish Police and the receipt of flight/bus ticket or boarding pass.

If the Police did not stamp your passport, you can use “Yurda Giriş/Çıkış Belge Sorgulama” at www.turkiye.gov.tr .  

Online survey

It is a survey developed by European Commission to evaluate the procedures for further improvement.

When you complete all the forms mentioned above European Commission will send a link by e-mail. Please complete the survey through the link and inform the Erasmus+ Program Unit. Without completing the survey you will not be transferred the rest of the grant.


Upon completion of the “forms after the mobility” the participant will be paid the rest (%20) of the grant calculated for the total duration.